Monday, July 30, 2007

Learning 2.0 in different flavors, colors, sizes. . . .

using Technorati--some text, some photos/videos--you can even be an official fan of a blog! Is he a fan?

aka, Bill Gates has enough $

So! I talked with Danny about this two years ago. I understand the raison d'etre--where ever you are, there your bookmarks are also. And, your bookmarks are interesting enough to share with others. Well, maybe. It is true that Bill has enough bucks, although he is doing good works with them. Here are a few sites illustrating our computing life here at work. It is true that you can live sans Vista, Office, et al.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Doesn't the rollyo pic look like fruit by the foot?

Well, there it is. I must admit that it was hard to think about a topic, but this is a hobby/vocation (that's a lower case 'v', not VOCATION). If I were some sort of great scholar or student this could work for my favorite sites as I do research. Hmmm, I could even put together sites for public libraries and online bookstores that I use.


I've cataloged my 5 titles and it has led me to realize that I'd rather talk about them than write about them. Well, not always, but I bet you have other "things" you'd rather do than read about what I've written about. You know who you are...those of us who are waiting for the next quiet, maybe even guilt-free time to go and read whatever is calling from the unread pile...

What the heck?

Ah, the glories of 2.0. I had put in my trading card a few posts ago and a great photo in the post two before this and now I'm not seeing them. (sigh)